Inkscape 0.92.3

История программы Inkscape – Бесплатные программы

Inkscape 0.92.3

  • Добавлено поддержку многострочного текста с базовой поддержкой атрибута межстрочного интервала.
  • Примечание. В настоящее время рассматривается только линейный интервал текстового элемента верхнего уровня, то есть все строки в одном текстовом элементе имеют один и тот же межстрочный интервал.
  • Примечание. LaTeX гораздо более умен в отношении межстрочного интервала, поэтому компоновка не всегда может быть точно такой же, как в Inkscape
  • Примечание. Обязательно используйте непрерывно масштабируемый шрифт в LaTeX, иначе результаты могут быть неожиданными.

— Улучшенные языковые переводы.
— Исправлены ошибки.

Inkscape 0.92.2 5c3e80d:

— Улучшенные языковые переводы.
— Исправлены ошибки.

Inkscape 0.92.1 r15371:

— Улучшенные языковые переводы.
— Исправлены ошибки.

Inkscape 0.92:

— Поддержка сетки градиентов. — Поддержка многих свойств SVG2 и CSS3. — Новый диалог объектов позволяет выбор, ярлыки, сокрытие и закрытия любых объектов при рисовании.

— Наборы выбора позволяют «группировать» объекты вместе, независимо от структуры документа. — Границы теперь могут быть закреплены для предотвращения возможных случайных изменений. — Добавлены несколько новых эффектов.

— Несколько новых расширений, новый фильтр, много старых расширений обновлены.

— Другие улучшения и исправления.

Inkscape 0.91:

— Новая система отрисовки, основанная на свободной библиотеке Cairo и отличающаяся существенно возросшей производительностью и поддержкой автоматического кэширования сложных объектов. — Во всех фильтрах обеспечено распараллеливание операций на все доступные ядра CPU с использованием OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing).

— Сокращено потребление памяти при выполнении сложных операций отрисовки. В некоторых ситуациях новый выпуск потребляет в четыре раза меньше памяти, чем версия 0.48. — Улучшена отзывчивость различных режимов работы интерфейса, обеспечено кэширование отрисовки SVG. — Расширение возможностей инструментов работы с текстом и градиентами.

— Новый инструмент для измерения длины и углов элементов изображения. — Добавлены средства для разработки элементов шрифтов и новое меню с расширениями типографики. — Новый диалог для работы с символами, предоставляющий доступ к пяти библиотекам предопределённых символов, влючая символы логических операций, карт, транспорта, блок-схем.

— В инструмент редактирования узлов добавлена кнопка для вставки новых узлов в точки экстремума (например, в высшую точку кривой). — Улучшен интерфейс расстановки ориентиров, обеспечена возможность привязки к ориентиру меток и цветов. — В диалог «Выравнивание и распределение» добавлена возможность обмена позициями выбранных объектов.

— Добавлена возможность выделения подобных объектов, позволяющая быстро выделить объекты, обладающие схожими свойствами, например, можно выделить объекты заполненные синим цветом. — Поддержка перегруппировки и создания вложенных слоёв в режиме Drag and drop. — Возможность работы с трафаретами из Visio.

— Переносимая поддержка импорта и экспорта в форматах WMF (Windows MetaFile) и EMF ( Enhanced Metafile). — Улучшена поддержка документов в формате Corel DRAW, добавлена возможность импорта файлов CDR. — Улучшены средства импорта файлов Visio, добавлена поддержка импорта файлов VSD.

— Поддержка экспорта форматов FXG (Flash XML Graphics), SIF (Synfig Animation Studio) и HTML5 Canvas. — Поддержка реальной размерности документов и страниц (в миллиметрах). — Поддержка экспорта контуров на плоттер из программы. — Проведена работа по улучшению удобства работы.

— Началось формирование 64-разрядных сборок для Windows.

Inkscape 0.48.1-1:

— Существенно улучшен экспорт масок по всем форматам основанных на Cairo. — Линейки перерисовываются правильно с последними версиями GTK. — Inkscape строит правильно с последними версиями Poppler.

— Исправлено несколько ошибок, которые приводили к падению Inkscape.

Inkscape 0.48:

— Возможность одновременного редактирования более чем одного контура. — Диалог для точной настройки размещения текста, реализована поддержка верхних и нижних индексов, добавлен диалог для ввода спецсимволов. — Новый инструмент «Аэрограф» с реализацией алгоритма рассеивания выделенной области.

— Доведен до финального состояния инструмент соединения объектов линиями. — Добавлена поддержка формирования сопроводительных LaTeX-файлов при экспорте в форматы PDF/PS/EPS. — В состав включено расширение JessyInk для подготовки презентаций для их последующего показа в браузере.

— Добавлено расширение для генерации штрих-кодов, соответствующих стандарту BS ISO/IEC 16022:2006. — Добавлено расширение для нарезки макета для размещения в Web.

— Начальная реализация адаптирующегося интерфейса, позволяющего оптимизировать формирование интерфейса для конкретного пользователя, через накопление информации о параметрах системы и особенностях работы пользователя.

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Download Inkscape 0.92.3

Inkscape 0.92.3

Inkscape 0.92.

3 is mainly a stability and bugfix release, but it also brings some small new features, being able to set an ellipses' radii numerically in the tool controls, or switching the writing direction from left-to-right to right-to-left.

Windows users will be happy to learn that the long startup times many of them were seeing could greatly be reduced. A new rendering option with an adjusted default value can vastly improve performance when working with filters.

Many of the bug fixes address important functionality, printing issues, crashes with the node tool or problems with keyboard shortcuts.

Command line usage

Three new command line options controlling page size are supported when exporting in SVG format:

  • –export-area-drawing (feature requests in bug # 1597921 and bug # 1722844 )
  • –export-area-page while using –export-id
  • –export-margin

Text tool

Support for switching between RTL and LTR writing directions has been added.

(On narrow screens, find it by unfolding the overhang menu for the text tool's tool controls by clicking on the triangle at the far right.)

Circle/ellipse/arc tool

New fields for setting vertical/horizontal radius (Rx/Ry) were added to the tool controls bar.
(Bug # 1181127, Ellipse control bar should include Rx, Ry, or width and height )

PDF+LaTeX export

Support for multi-line text with basic support for line-spacing attribute was added. (Bug # 771959 )

Please note:

  • Currently only the line-spacing of the top level text element is considered, i.e. all lines in one text element share the same line spacing.
  • LaTeX is much more clever with respect to line spacing, so layout might not always be exactly the same as in Inkscape.
  • Make sure to use a continuously scalable font in LaTeX, otherwise results might be unexpected .

Performance: New preferences option

A new option called “Rendering tile multiplier” was added under Rendering preferences. It can adjust the size of rendering tiles (tiles are portions of canvas area that are calculated in one go). Rendering larger areas with complex content at once requires more computational time, but modern computers come with powerful hardware and many should be up to the task.

Making this value larger can speed up drawing, if you have large areas with complex filters in your drawing or work a lot with high zoom levels on filtered objects. Making the value smaller can make zooming and panning in relevant areas faster on low-end hardware (if there are no large filtered areas on the visible part of the canvas).

The new default value makes your screen consist of about four tiles that are rendered independently if you're not using a hidpi screen (which requires more tiles). A more detailed explanation is available here .

Startup Performance

The first start of Inkscape on Windows is much faster now.

This is the result of improvements in fontconfig 2.13.0, a third party library which handles font related tasks for Inkscape.

One of the tasks is creating an index of all fonts available on the system which is much faster now. If the new indexing causes any issues (i.e.

fonts or glyphs not available that could be used before) make sure to let us know or report the issue directly to the fontconfig project .


Extensions on Windows can now make use of Tkinter, without requiring users to install it themselves. Tkinter provides functionality for creating interactive graphical user interfaces. This is used, for example, by the TexText extension that renders mathematical LaTeX formulas to SVG (feature request at bug # 1735451 ).

Regression fixes

  • Potentially missing command line output in Inkscape 0.92.2 on Windows 7. (Bug # 1714278 )
  • Extensions in the 'Raster' submenu relying on ImageMagick were broken and caused crashes in Inkscape 0.92.2 on Windows. (Bug # 1720330 )
  • gcodetools were creating wrong orientation points since the dpi change had been made for Inkscape 0.92 (Bug # 1680760 )
  • The 'Clone original' path effect that was partially broken in Inkscape 0.92.2 works again to fill a path with a PowerStroke applied to it (useful for drawing cartoons) (Bug # 1715433 )
  • The preferences dialog was tiny by default (Bug # 1360213 )
  • Node handles no longer get too large when selected, and they also revert back to standard size when deselected (Bug # 1568644 )
  • Export to .odg (Open Document Drawing) works again on Windows (Bug # 1654034 )
  • Inkscape no longer freezes when trying to import clipart from OpenClipart when the server takes too long to respond to requests (Bug # 1745521 )
  • Texts that are written in vertical direction now have their marks (e.g. accents) on the correct side again ( gitlab commit )

Important bugfixes

  • Fix shortcuts not working as expected on systems with non-latin primary keyboard layout. (Bugs # 1226962 , # 1730246 , # 1734308 )
  • Fix crash when attempting to drag path at cap or line join. (Bug # 1691406 )
  • Inkscape process did not exit cleanly on Windows. (Bugs # 1412365 and # 1715339 , also causing # 1714278 )
  • Fix “Open recent” not including files with special characters on Windows. (Bug # 629608 )
  • File extension was sometimes omitted when adding saved files to Windows' list of “recently used documents” resulting in unusable links ( [1] )
  • Do not crash on systems with illegal fontconfig configurations. (Bug # 1716516 )
  • Resolve issues when attempting to save files to non-existing directories. Could happen for shortcuts.xml (Bug # 1719629 ) and when setting the autosave location manually.
  • Allow cancellation of bitmap export. (Bug # 1195929 )
  • Fix issues with PDF+LaTeX export: wrong stacking of text/graphics, missing pages in PDF output (Bugs # 771957 , # 1417470 )
  • Printing multiple copies of the document resulted in one copy and many blank pages (Bug # 490866 , # 1733424 )
  • Fix export area when exporting single objects to SVG using the –export-id command line switch (Bug # 1306662 , # 1707368 )
  • Fix DXF output and Windows vector print scaling for documents with a custom view box (Bug # 1672066 )
  • Invalid output generated from extensions no longer makes Inkscape crash ( gitlab commit )
  • The Ruler Live Path Effect now shows correct measurements in the default template (and other non-px-based templates), too (Bug # 1460858 )
  • The Document Properties dialog now has a more compact layout, so all items should be accessible on smaller screens (Bug # 1510831 )

More bug fixes

There were even more issues fixed than those listed above, but these probably only affect a small portion of users, or are relevant for development and packaging only.

For a complete list, visit our launchpad bug tracker and see the commit history on gitlab (all changes from August, 6th 2017 until release date).


The following UI translations received updates:

  • French
  • German
  • Icelandic
  • Italian
  • Korean
  • Spanish
  • Ukrainian

The following installer translations received updates:

Contributing to interface translations

Want to help with translations? Learn how to help!

Documentation Relaunch

The Inkscape documentation repository, containing the man page, the keyboard shortcut list as well as the tutorials and their respective translation files, has been almost completely refactored (Java has been dropped in favor of Python), and was updated to work with git and gitlab.

Documentation Updates

The man page and the keyboard shortcut list have been updated.

Where to find recent documentation

Continuously updated man page (for command line usage), keyboard and mouse shortcut list, tutorials and translation statistics for the various parts of the Inkscape project are available on the website:

Tutorials, as always, are also included with your Inkscape installation.

Contributing to documentation and documentation translation

Contributions to the documentation translations, as well as improvements to its contents, are welcome at the inkscape-docs repository .

Known issues

  • DPI Change: known issues with 'Scale elements' option ( 1653230 , 1653236 , 1654342 , 1654796 , 1654880 , 1654903 , 1655005 , 1655053 , 1660228 )
  • DPI Change: Default grids in documents created with Inkscape 0.91 don't scale correctly (Bug # 1653893 )
  • Line height: Changing “baseline spacing” stops working (# 1707808 )
  • Renderer: Artifacts in Gaussian blur effects with default quality settings (Bug # 1656383 )
  • Node editor: Deselecting selected nodes of complex paths takes a long time (Bug # 1652100 )
  • Performance: Using the objects dialog at least once in your Inkscape session slows down actions such as duplicate and delete for files with many objects. (Bug # 1431274 )

Источник: //


Inkscape 0.92.3

This is not the latest version of Inkscape available.


This package was approved as a trusted package on 5/19/2018.

Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X. What sets Inkscape apart is its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open XML-based W3C standard, as the native format.

Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features (markers, clones, alpha blending, etc.) and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. It is very easy to edit nodes, perform complex path operations, trace bitmaps and much more. We also aim to maintain a thriving user and developer community by using open, community-oriented development.

All Inkscape projects may be exported in formats friendly to web browsers or commercial printer rooms. It is cross-platform, which means it is easy to run on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux distributions. Visit the Download page to install or share this application now.

More screenshots.


  • Object creation: drawing, shape tools, text tool, bitmaps, clones
  • Object manipulation: transformations, z-order operations, grouping, layers, aligment
  • Fill and stroke: color selector, color picker tool, copy/paste style, pattern fills, dashed strokes, with many predefined dash patterns, path markers (ending, middle and/or beginning marks, e.g.


  • Operations on paths
  • Rendering: fully anti-aliased display, alpha transparency support for display and PNG export
  • File formats: SVG, PNG, OpenDocument Drawing, DXF, sk1, PDF, EPS and PostScript export formats and more
  • Command line options for export and conversions

To install Inkscape, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

C:\> choco install inkscape –version 0.92.3

To upgrade Inkscape, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

C:\> choco upgrade inkscape –version 0.92.3



  • tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1 Show
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $packageArgs = @{ packageName = 'InkScape' fileType = 'msi' url = '//' url64bit = '//inkscape.


    msi' checksum = 'c64f3de51ff87e50b24ba82ee3b7275b80a71ba167e000ef9accaeb08543dd17' checksum64 = '1d2f4d9edf221fe9dd1ad75c4a48c8809dd3adf5af0672f1383088b163516e' checksumType = 'sha256' checksumType64 = 'sha256' silentArgs = '/passive /norestart' validExitCodes = @(0) softwareName = 'InkScape*' } $current_version = Get-UninstallRegistrykey $packageArgs.softwareName | Select-Object -Expand DisplayVersion if ($current_version -eq $Env:ChocolateyPackageVersion) { Write-Host “Sowtware already installed” } else { Install-ChocolateyPackage @packageArgs } $packageName = $packageArgs.packageName $installLocation = Get-AppInstallLocation $packageName if ($installLocation) { Write-Host “$packageName installed to '$installLocation'” } else { Write-Warning “Can't find $PackageName install location” }

In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives.

Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).

Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.

Release Notes


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated Status
Inkscape, January 21, 2019approved
Inkscape 0.92.44394Friday, January 18, 2019approved
Inkscape 0.92.3.


89194Monday, July 2, 2018approved
Inkscape 0.92.3370774Saturday, March 24, 2018approved
Inkscape 0.92.2259455Thursday, November 2, 2017approved
Inkscape 0.92.


227190Thursday, February 16, 2017approved
Inkscape 0.92.082369Wednesday, January 4, 2017approved
Inkscape, November 26, 2016approved
Inkscape 0.91.0.


1138Wednesday, October 29, 2014exempted
Inkscape 0.9113477Saturday, January 31, 2015approved
Inkscape 0.91-pre2386Thursday, October 2, 2014
Inkscape 0.

326Saturday, August 2, 2014
Inkscape 0.48.53854Monday, July 7, 2014
InkScape, January 13, 2013
InkScape, February 25, 2012
InkScape 0.48.2.


295Saturday, February 25, 2012

Show More

Ground rules:

  • This discussion is only about Inkscape and the Inkscape package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the google group.
  • This discussion will carry over multiple versions.

    If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.

  • The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response.

    If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.

  • Tell us what you love about the package or Inkscape, or tell us what needs improvement.

  • Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
  • If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.


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